Petr Pavlík: The Pilgrimess Returns Home

25. 3. 2025 – 11. 5. 2025
The exhibition focuses on the artist's work of recent years - a reaction to the current chaos and fragility of the world.

A number of retrospective exhibitions have traced Petr Pavlík's artistic career from its beginnings to the present day, always making sure to outline important connections and contexts. This exhibition is of a different character. Its main focus is on works from recent years, during which his stylistic expression has undergone significant change as he responds sensitively to all that is happening around us – to positive events, but also to negative ones, which unfortunately predominate in today's society. The exhibition includes several paintings or cycles of paintings depicting the chaos that has engulfed our planet. And yet, although he knows that the planet is in considerable danger and that the balance of the world is more fragile today than it has been in a long time, his work still possess a sense of hope.

Pavlik's art clearly shows that he spends a long time contemplating his subjects, that his paintings' birth is often a complicated one. He revisits his works repeatedly, sometimes even after several years, repainting and retouching them in order to achieve expressive depth. The exhibition is evidence of the strength of his artistic message and reflects the fact that he is currently at one of his creative peaks.


Clam-Gallas Palace

Husova 158/20
110 00 Prague 1 – Old Town
view the map


25. 3. – 11. 5. 2025